Missão Brasileira das Forças Internacionais de Paz da ONU Organização Intergovernamental
Instituto de Criminalistica e Ciências Policiais da República Federativa do Brasil
Conselho Nacional de Perícia Criminal e Judicial da República Federativa do Brasil
Instituto de Criminalística e Ciências Policiais no Brasil e no Exterior
LEI Nº 12.030, DE 17 DE SETEMBRO DE 2009
Lei Federal 9.307/96
REGISTRO FEDERAL USA: 87-3136108. 99-5136216.
Document Number: N17000009263. FEI/EIN Number: 81 - 5353074.

Sou membro com muita honra de todas estas Organizações:
American Bar Association - Advogado Internacional MEMBER ID: 05668601.
Sob o Registro Federal: 87 - 3436706. www.americanbar.org
National Tactical Officers Association www.ntoa.org
Farmaceutico CFF
Administrador CRAGO
Médico Neurobiomolecular USA
Bacharél em Direito Brasil
Advogado nos USA sob o Registro Federal: 87 - 3436706.
Patrocinador da https://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/
Administrador registrado no https://www.crago.org.br/
Fuerzas de Defensa de Israelfacebook.com
Prestamos e total apoio e suporte ao https://www.mossad.gov.il/
Membro da https://www.amsmilitary.org/
Membro da https://www.justice.org/
Membro da https://www.americanlawyersalliance.org/
Membro da https://worldjurist.org/
Friends of the IDF (FIDF)facebook.com
Membro da https://fsai.memberclicks.net/
Membro da
CNPJ: 42.378.137/0001-24.
Registro Federal Nos USA: Document Number: N17000009263. FEI/EIN Number: 81 - 5353074.
Updated Nov 1, 2021, 6:17 AM
Nov 1, 2021, 6:17 AM
Capelão Membro
Membro da https://unausa.org/
Sou membro da https://www.ipa-usa.org/
Estou cursando Odontologia no 2 periodo na https://vestibular.uninassau.edu.br/
Somos patrocinador do https://www.socxfbi.org/
Somos membros e damos total apoio a https://www.mnboperotamgov.org/
Somos membros da https://www.spgo-gov.org/
Mestrado e Doutorado em Medicina Neurobiomolecular pela https://www.puc-edu.org/
Reitor da https://www.benedictineuniversitygov.org/
Tenho a honra de ser membro da https://www.nyas.org/
Honra em ser membro da https://www.aaas.org/
Membro da https://www.aapl.org/
Membro da https://www.anpaonline.org/
Pátrias irmãs sempre unidas e forte!
Research in neuroscience, neuropsychoanalysis, lectures in neuropsychology, scientific research.
Group Coordinator:
Roberto Cohen
Email: dr.zigmundcohen@outlook.com
Address: Av. Dr. Ismerino Soares de Carvalho, N. 595,
Sala 501- Setor Aeroporto. CEP: 74075-040.
Goiânia – GO – Brazil
Meeting Schedule:
Every week.
Somos membros https://uschs.org/
Somos doadores do https://www.armyemergencyrelief.org/
Somos membros vitalício da https://www.mica-national.org/
Somos membros da https://www.acsh.org/
Somos membros do https://www.emkinstitute.org/
We are sponsors and donors of the American Friends of Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. It is impossible to imagine Israel without its Philharmonic Orchestra.– Shimon Peres: Israeli President, Prime Minister & Nobel Prize LaureateAmerican Friends of the Israel Philharmonic OrchestraFor nearly 80 years there has been a strong bond between North America and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. In fact, the IPO would not have come into existence without this vital relationship. In 1936, legendary scientist Albert Einstein hosted one of the first major fundraisers at the Waldorf Astoria, securing the financial support needed to officially form the Orchestra.American Friends of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (AFIPO) was created in 1980 to formalize and broaden this relationship and tradition of giving. From the beginning, the fate of the IPO has rested largely in the hands of its North American supporters. In addition to generating an endowment and increasing the reach of the Orchestra through financial support of national and international tours, AFIPO was also instrumental in developing KeyNote, the educational arm of the IPO. KeyNote programs bring the joy of classical music to over 29,000 children in Israel each year, while promoting tolerance and mutual respect. http://afipo.org/
Updated Nov 2, 2021, 3:37 AM
Nov 2, 2021, 3:37 AM
We are sponsors and supporters of the National Defense Foundation. The NATIONAL DEFENSE FOUNDATION was founded on the premise that there is a distinct need for accurate research on matters of national security, veterans affairs, and homeland security, conducted by independent nonpartisan military veterans who have been a part of these systems, which can then be used as factual information for education on the subject matter at hand. NDF seeks to be THE “Think Tank of Choice” for accurate, unbiased information in all these areas. Almost everything available in these areas today is all-too-often opinion couched as fact, or the research is done by those who have never used the weapons systems in question, or by those who have never been to the combat areas under review. Or done by non-veterans who have never served within these personnel policies and veterans programs and been an actual participant in these programs in order to experience firsthand what really happens, rather than what the brochures and PR statements “say what happens”. NDF stands for TRUTH and HONESTY. NDF stands for TRUST and CONFIDENCE. And NDF stands as THE Think Tank that IS the catalyst for changing and fixing systems that don’t work through factual analysis, and for supporting systems and equipment that DO work, again through facts and with analysis by those who have actually been a user of these systems and equipment.NDF also seeks to be a catalyst for mutual cooperation and the exchange of information through it’s networks and with other Think Tanks whereby we can share each others research and written materials and give them wider distribution and circulation, all to the greater efficiency of all of us who seek to provide the truth as effectively, efficiently, and as inexpensively as possible through our mutual cooperation. http://usa.nationaldefensefoundation.org/
Damos total suporte a:
We support Israel Security Agency.
The Israel Security Agency was established soon after the founding of the state; however its functions, structure and powers were not comprehensively legislated until 2002. Until this time, they were decided by governmental decisions alone. Over the years, various powers granted to the ISA had been anchored in law, such as the 1979 Wiretapping Law, the 1981 Protection of Privacy Law, and others. Nonetheless, these laws were specific and limited in scope, while the overall status, structure, functions and powers of the ISA, as well as the method of supervising its activity, were defined only with the passage of the ISA Statute.
In late 1988, the ISA administration decided to initiate legislation, in order to evaluate the possibility and the necessity of anchoring ISA activity in the law. Following this decision, the ISA worked exhaustively to draft a proposal, which was presented to the minister of justice in 1994.
In 1995, the ISA began a joint project with the Ministry of Justice in order to produce a draft version of the law, which was completed in 1998.
The law was approved in a “first reading” in the Knesset in February 1998, and was referred to a joint committee of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee and the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, to prepare it for second and third readings. Its progress in Knesset was delayed until March 2000 because of elections and a subsequent change of government, as well as additional modifications of the statute.
Intensive work on the statute began in 2001, in a joint committee headed by the chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK David Magen, together with representatives from the ISA and from the Ministry of Justice. This arduous endeavor resulted in the legislation of the ISA Statute on 11 February 2002.
The law was published in the Official Gazette on 21 February 2002, and took effect on April 21, 2002. For the first time, the ISA’s activities took place within a comprehensive legal framework.
The statute prescribed the need for secondary legislation, in the form of legal ordinances and rules, as well as the establishment of guiding principles, detailing all issues which needed to be determined by legislation. Thus soon after the statute took effect, the ISA established a steering committee for this purpose. Teams were also appointed in a number of units to begin drafting these ordinances, rules and guiding principles.
The ISA Statute establishes four central aspects of ISA activity:
1. Institutional aspect: the status of the ISA and the establishment of its powers, its subordination to the government, and the status of the ISA director.
2. Functions: the mission of the ISA, its functions, general powers granted (including carrying out interrogations), specific powers granted (including carrying out searches, receiving data regarding communications, and carrying out security checks).
3. Control and supervision: the status of the internal comptroller, the requirement of providing the Knesset, the government and the state legal counsel with periodic reports, the requirement of receiving external approval for legal ordinances and rules, and the establishment of an external body to execute security checks.
4. Unique aspects to the ISA: the status of internal supervisory measures, the responsibilities of the ISA employee and his proxy, restrictions on ISA employees during and following their period of employment, and instructions regarding confidentiality.
On the basis of the ISA Statute, the prime minister established ordinances in various areas relating to this law. These ordinances are public.
In addition to these ordinances, instructions and procedures in various areas were also established. These are internal norms which are not public information. http://www.shabak.gov.il/
Updated Nov 2, 2021, 8:01 AM
Nov 2, 2021, 8:01 AM
We are members supporters of SAZ. Declaration of Support SAZ comprises non-denominational, non-racial and non-sexist members, known as Supporters of Zionism, who adhere to SAZ principles.We hereby declare my unconditional support for the State of Israel’s right to exist in peace with its neighbours. Accordingly, We support the principles contained in the New Jerusalem Program of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) hereto attached.SAZ PRINCIPLESUnconditional support for the Israel Government of the day, and the right of the Jewish State to exist in peace with its neighbours,according to the Biblical prophecies.Acceptance of World Zionist Organization (WZO).Respect for the personal beliefs of other members; proselytisation/ evangelism strictly forbidden among members.Assistance for similar Zionist support associations nationally and internationally as required; growing Zionismin the face of dangerous times for the Jewish State.The New Jerusalem ProgramZionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, brought about the establishment of the State of Israel, and views a Jewish, Zionist, democratic and secure State of Israel to be the expression of the common responsibility of the Jewish people for its continuity and future.The foundations of Zionism are:The unity of the Jewish people, its bond to its historic homeland Eretz Yisrael, and the centrality of the State of Israel and Jerusalem, its capital, in the life of the nation.Aliyah to Israel from all countries and the effective integration of all immigrants into Israeli Society.Strengthening Israel as a Jewish, Zionist and democratic state and shaping it as an exemplary society with a unique moral and spiritual character, marked by mutual respect for the multi-faceted Jewish people, rooted in the vision of the prophets, striving for peace and contributing to the betterment of the world.Ensuring the future and the distinctiveness of the Jewish people by furthering Jewish, Hebrew and Zionist education, fostering spiritual and cultural values and teaching Hebrew as the national language;Nurturing mutual Jewish responsibility, defending the rights of Jews as individuals and as a nation, representing the national Zionist interests of the Jewish people, and struggling against all manifestations ofanti- Semitism;Settling the country as an expression of practical Zionism. http://www.sazionism.co.za/
Updated Nov 2, 2021, 8:06 AM
Nov 2, 2021, 8:06 AM
We are Members Sponsors of IAC. COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT. PHILANTHROPY. ACTIVISM. The mission of the Israeli-American Council (IAC) is to build an engaged and united Israeli-American community that strengthens our next generations, the American Jewish community and the State of Israel.Over half a million Israeli-Americans live in the United States today. As a vital component of American society, they play a major role in social activism, academia, culture and innovation. The Israeli-American Council (IAC) is the largest Israeli-American organization in the United States, serving this vibrant sector of American society. The IAC’s effectiveness and success is the direct result of its ability to organize, activate, and engage the Israeli-American community nationwide. The IAC strives to achieve these goals through programs and events for all ages, as well as by empowering and sponsoring a wide array of non-profit organizations within the Israeli-American community.OUR GOALSEncourage a culture of giving, activism, and connection to Israel through personal examples of community involvement.Connect the next generation to the community, their Jewish identity, the Hebrew language, and the State of Israel.Foster active support of initiatives that further Israel’s welfare, security, education and its relations with the United States.Translate the Israeli-American community’s needs, desires, and values into action and a strong and influential voice.Serve as a professional and financial resource for initiatives that support the development of an active and unified Israeli-American community with strong connections to the State of Israel, now and in the future.Strengthen the relationships between the Israeli-American community and the Israeli community in Israel.Build bridges between the Israeli-American and Jewish American communities in the United States.HOW WE DO ITIAC dedicates and focuses its resources towards transforming Israeli-Americans into an empowered and organized community by:Bringing individuals together around predominantely Israel-related causes to invoke passion within our community.Connecting individuals with their own community through cultural initiatives and programs for the younger generationEncouraging a culture of giving and involvement through community engagement and philanthropy.Inspiring activism through participation and sponsorship of public events related to Israel-American relations.Building a communal structure and spirit through professional and financial support for non-profit organizations and initiatives.Creating new community-based organizations and programs that will ensure a continuous and long term community involvement through the support of educational, cultural, and leadership initiatives.Bridging the Israeli-American and Jewish American communities through the creation of partnerships that support inter-community activities and initiatives.Mobilizing the community to respond to strategic causes that support US-Israel related initiatives and Zionist education for the second and third generation of Israeli-Americans.OUR HISTORYBorn out of a need to organize and engage the Israeli-American community, the Israeli Leadership Council (ILC) was founded in 2007. A small, influential group of Israeli-American community leaders joined together to form the first ILC Board of Directors. The founding group formulated the ILC’s 3 key pillars, to strengthen future generations of Israeli-Americans, The American Jewish community and The State of Israel. Between its launch in 2007 and 2013 the organization’s rapid growth established the ILC as the largest Israeli-American organization in the US engaging 50,000 community members through its various activities. In 2013 the organization changed its name to the Israeli-American Council (IAC) to more accurately reflect is mission. By the fall of 2014, the IAC developed a national presence establishing 6 regional offices throughout the United States; Los Angeles (national headquarters), New York, Las Vegas, Miami, Boston and New Jersey. Closing out an impressive year of growth, the IAC held the first Israeli-American Community National Conference in Washington DC. During 2014-15 the organization is serving over 150,000 participants through a wide array of programs and events. The IAC continues its outreach efforts with plans to open more regional offices to meet the growing and evolving needs of the estimated 500,000 – 800,000 Israeli-Americans currently living in the United States. https://www.israeliamerican.org/
We give a total support to MDA.
(MDA) is Israel’s ambulance, blood-services, and disaster-relief organization, serving as emergency medical first responders for the state’s 8 million people. MDA is the only organization mandated by the Israeli government to serve in this role, but it’s not a government agency, so it relies on people like you for funding. Through your gift, you’re saving thousands of Israeli lives, including:
A senior who suffered a heart attack who was defibrillated and rushed to the hospital for treatment and eventual recovery.
A rocket attack victim who lived to tell the tale because MDA paramedics stanched the bleeding.
A baby born en route to the hospital with the umbilical cord around his neck who was quickly resuscitated because an EMT knew just what to do.
A woman hit by a car who lived because there was sufficient blood for the transfusions she required during surgery.
MDA’s work is mandated by the Israeli government, but MDA isn’t a government agency. MDA relies on donors to ensure dispatch centers are equipped with the latest communications technology, ambulances are stocked with cutting-edge lifesaving equipment, and paramedics have the most up-to-date training.
American Friends of Magen David Adom (AFMDA) is the largest supporter of MDA worldwide. AFMDA is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our federal tax ID number is 13-1790719. https://www.afmda.org/
We are member sponsor and supporter of United States Armed Forces Association , and the representative of Admir there.
The American Patriot Foundation was formed as a non-partisan, non-profit national foundation with the primary function of educating the American public as to the importance and relevance in today's society of the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and other founding documents.
To achieve this goal, the corporation will educate and advocate (through a broad diversity of educational programs) to the American public the importance in today's society of patriotism itself, and of the patriotism of the founding fathers and other patriots throughout our nation's history, and how their philosophies shape our destiny, and thereby to rediscover our heritage of freedom.
The American Patriot Foundation was granted non-profit 501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service, http://www.americanpatriotfoundation.net/
Dr. Roberto Cohen is a member of the Center for Education Diplomacy, and the representative of Admir there. http://www.educationdiplomacy.org/
We are partners CEAS-INTERNATIONAL is an association of democratic in its functioning, pluralistic, non-partisan for the defense,promotion, partnership and dissemination of security in the broad and generic senseof the word.Our main objective is the exchange of aid projects, training,promotion, teaching and the like that give prestige to the Companies and professionalsglobal security.To achieve this purpose, CEAS efforts are aimed at supporting theoperation and development of:- Public Security Corporations and government agencies on LawJustice;- Companies providing private security services in allmodalities;- Institutions and companies claiming or using such services, andSocial organizations and concerned citizens and engaged in contributing to theimproving security conditions in the national environment.CEAS is an institution that contributes significantly to social welfare,Through the development of the safety culture in the World, has theknowledge and social acceptance in the field, and is the preferred option and priorityas a service provider for all kinds of public and private organizationsthis area.Objectives:The Euro American Security Corporation has the following objectives:- Raise the concept of security to the category of Career withpossibility of reaching a level of Doctorate Degree in The Hague Apostille.- Provide practical measures to prevent all kinds of incidents, usingvarious educational and training methods.- Encourage all kinds of entities and individuals to the use of preventive measures,obtaining as much information as possible about prevention and safety to have heravailable to its members.- Know the needs of countries, entities and individuals associated toprovide guidance for solving their problems.- Communicate innovations, discoveries and information gained in thedifferent areas of interest in the prevention and security.Strategic Objectives:I. Positioning and stable organization rooted in the social context.II. Provision of services to the organization.III. Ensure the financial viability and existential continuity of the organization.International supportTo meet its objectives, CEAS has direct and ongoing supportIndirect its more than 10,000 members associated with presence in more than 100countries, many sobressalientes specialists and experts in thewide range of security services, which contribute their knowledge andExperience in practice the organization and its members, with the supportWebsite complementary on-site International CEAS.So INTERNATIONAL CEAS, is set to a NonGovernmental, educational, independent, free membership, democratic in itsfunctioning, pluralistic, non-profit oriented support IndustryPrivate Security and the institutions.
Dr. Zigmund Ziegler Roberto Cohen is a member of the Association for Chilhood Education International, and the representative of Admir there. http://portal.acei.org/
Association for Childhood Education International.